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It's a Great Day to Be a Hawk!

Please check here often for a listing of student activities, athletics and clubs available for all Walnut Creek students.

Academic Support Programs

  • Free Math Tutoring - Room 104 - Tuesday's 3 p.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Peer Tutoring - Room 104 - Tuesday's 3 p.m. to 4 p.m.


We have an very comprehensive athletics program available for all 7th and 8th grade students. Please visit the Hawks Athletics page for information regarding teams, coach contacts and eligibility.

Extra-Curricular Clubs

  • Robotics - Meetings in Design Tech room
  • GSA
  • World Cultures
  • Yearbook


Cell Phone and Technology

Cell phones, Apple watches, I-Pods and AirPods are not allowed during school hours. If you choose to bring any of these to school, they must to remain in your locker.

  • 1st offense: Warning
  • 2nd offense: Lunch detention
  • 3rd offense: After school detention
  • 4th offense: Parent meeting/behavior plan development
  • 5th offense: Loss of cell phone privileges

Refocus Policy

Teacher will ask you to go to the refocus room. You are to get up silently and take your refocus sheet to the designated room. When you arrive at the refocus room, you are to quietly work on your refocus sheet. Once you have filled out the refocus sheet, take it to the teacher in that room and they will review it. Then take the refocus sheet with you back to your classroom. Quietly wait outside the door for the classroom teacher to invite you back into the classroom.

  • 1st refocus: Warning
  • 2nd refocus: Lunch detention
  • 3rd refocus: After school detention
  • 4th refocus: Parent meeting/behavior plan development

Tardy Policy

There is 5 minutes passing time in between class to go to your locker and/or use the bathroom. If you are late to class you will receive a tardy violation.

  • 4 tardies: Lunch detention
  • 7 tardies: After school detention
  • 10 tardies: Saturday detention
  • 10+ tardies will result in further disciplinary action including, but not limited to loss of privileges.