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Summer Academic Engagement

Walnut Creek Learning Community, 

I hope that you all enjoy your last full week of summer with your children! We are excited and ready to welcome our students back. 

Please see below for new information and previously communicated announcements. You can also access all previous weekly communication newsletters by visiting our website:

Archived Weekly Parent Newsletters

Locker Decorations During Creek Connection on August 22nd - NEW INFO

With Creek Connection fast approaching on August 22nd , we wanted to send out a quick reminder about lockers and locker decorations.

One of the best things about Creek Connection is getting class schedules and finding out locker assignments.  As students are getting their lockers set up and finding their classes for the first day of school, many like to personalize their locker.  Some students choose to decorate with various shelving units, lights, chandeliers, and even the occasional "disco ball".  These items can be fun and help to personalize the space if a student chooses to do so.  As our lockers do not have much space, please keep in mind that they are lockers and not closets, so less decor may be best!

One type of decor that is NOT permitted inside or outside the locker at any time is contact paper/ wallpaper/ stickers.  These items tend to cause the locking mechanisms to not work correctly and cause issues with opening and closing the locker.  In addition, they are very difficult to remove at the end of year causing damage to the lockers.  

Thanks for your help in making good decoration choices, if your child chooses to decorate their locker. 

Summer Academic Engagement Activity - NEW INFO

We are entering our last week of summer vacation! As excited as we all are to welcome our kids back to Creek, I assume that some of our students might be slightly less excited to see their summer coming to an end. This week, instead of working on iReady lessons and our Teacher Created Activities, please find time to discuss personal Academic, Behavioral, and Social goals for the school year. Speak to your children about how they can achieve their goals, and what habits may need to change from previous school years. Trust me, as much as your son/daughter may act like they don’t want to talk to you about these things, believe me when I say that they are paying attention, and that these conversations do lead to positive outcomes. 

I also suggest that you begin to focus on getting back into a school routine this week. Start to enforce earlier bedtimes and set an alarm for your student to wake up in the morning. Starting to get back into a normal school routine will help your child adjust to the school year. 

6th Grade WEB Day - August 21st, 2023 – Previously Communicated

A separate email was sent on 8/10/23 to all 6th grade families with detailed information about our 6th grade WEB day. I have linked that communication below:

6th Grade WEB day information - sent to 6th grade families on 8/10/23

Please remember to return your 6th Grade Welcome Sign when you attend Creek Connection of WEB day. 

Please review “Fee Management” in Skyward prior to 8/22 - Previously Communicated

Please review the “Fee Management” tab in Skyward Family Access to ensure that you do not have any current book fines on file. This will be reviewed during Creek Connection, and all fines must be paid before students will receive their schedule during Creek Connection. It is much more convenient for parents to pay book fines online through skyward prior to attending Creek Connection on August 22nd. 

Fall Athletic Information - Previously Communicated

Please see the attached Fall Athletics Information for Walnut Creek Middle School.   These documents will be available during Creek Connection on Tuesday, August 22nd.  If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Kyle Pipkin at

2023-24 Creek Athletics Letter

2023 Girls Volleyball Information

2023 Co-Ed Cross Country Information


Important Upcoming Dates - Previously Communicated

August 1st - August 22: Complete the Back-to-School Family Access Packet


August 1st - August 17: 1 to 1 Chromebook Distribution Program

August 21st: 6th Grade WEB Day (More detailed information send on 8/10/23)

  • 6th grade students will enjoy team building activities, get to know our building, and meet their 8th grade WEB leader. 

August 22nd: Creek Connection (All Student Registration Day), Attend anytime between 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM as your schedule permits.

Students will:

  • Receive their District Chromebook if payment has been received by 8/17/23 (see above)
  • Get their school picture taken 
  • Pick up their school schedule
  • Sign up for the PTSA
  • Receive locker assignment and practice opening lockers
  • Receive a daily planner
  • Add money to lunch accounts
  • Learn general building information
  • Most importantly, see friends, make new friends, and see where all of their classes are located

The end of the summer is often a busy time for families, and we understand that some families may not be available to attend Creek Connection. Scheduling information will become available through skyward after Creek Connection, and students will have the opportunity for picture retakes during the school year. 

August 28th: First day of school 

September 1st: No School for students or staff

September 4th: No School for students or staff

Linked below is the suggested school supply list for all grades: 

School Supply List

Thank you for your continued support, 

Seth Taboh


Walnut Creek Middle School